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巴士为您推荐: 个人财务管理 Maxprog iCash

Maxprog iCash 是一款个人财务管理软件,它可以控制你的个人财务,记录收益、支出、赊欠、债券和银行业务,非常适用于个人理财的软件工具。Maxprog iCash 帮助你管理你的私人广告筹措资金,追踪收入,花费,信用,债务和银行交易。随着一些鼠标动作你就能够开始创建账户,做出交易。

个人财务管理Maxprog iCash v7.5.8 中文免费版下载

Maxprog iCash是为了控制个人财务,保持跟踪软件收入,支出,贷款,债务和你银行的交易。那么简单,你需要创建帐户并移动它们之间的钱!你甚至不需要知道它甚至会计或有关关怀!你的财务状况在很大程度上取决于良好的组织,让你知道你的钱来自哪里,并在那里去。

个人财务管理Maxprog iCash v7.5.8 中文免费版下载

Maxprog iCash 是一个易于使用,功能齐全,多用途的个人财务管理的 Macintosh 和 Windows 工具旨在帮助您控制各种资金问题。 iCash 可以成为几个小会计或者私人用户需求,或俱乐部,协会,自雇人士,小企业或仅仅是在家里使用,使收入保持跟踪,费用和银行的交易一单元。通过几次点击就可以开始创建帐户并在几分钟内交易。

Maxprog iCash 通用和用户友好。这个原因,它不使用的双簿记它更容易使对非常少甚至没有会计知识使用。简单地创建您的所有费用,收入,银行帐户…它们之间移动,并开始赚钱! iCash 然后让你找出所有的钱的来源和去处。所有帐户有良好的组织根据用户定义的类和内置的类型,以便报告可定制,以包括所有记录或会议指定的唯一标准。 iCash还允许你有尽可能多的基金经理作为必要的文件,因此您可以控制几乎任何东西,从俱乐部,社团,家庭和在同一时间等。


Maxprog iCash 7.5.8

When selecting several transactions the input panel is now reseted and cleared. When on the transaction input day field and pressing the space bar, the focus is now moved to the amount field. The transaction amount field now responds to the up and down arrows tonavigate thru last transactions. The transaction input day field no longer supports the Ctrl+space/Cmd+Space shortcut. Feature moved the the amount field. When changing the working account on the top-left of the transaction panel, the input fields are now reseted and cleared. The transaction comment field menu now includes previously used comments for same accounts and payee. By right-clicking on the transaction comment field right menu arrow, you now get previously used comments for same accounts ignoring the payee. The ‘Edit > Select All’ menu (Ctrl-A/CMD-A) when on the Transaction list is now instantaneous. The ‘Edit > Select All’ menu (Ctrl-A/CMD-A) when on the Queries list is now instantaneous. Fix: Document window height was limited to available height minus 100 pixels. Fix: The transaction type, origin account and target account comment lines now display the ‘&’ character properly when present. Fix: Difficulties when trying to select part of the text inside combo boxes in the transaction input panel. Fix: All combo boxes now respond properly to the ‘Edit > Select All’ menu (Ctrl-A/CMD-A). Fix: Tracking number not incremented when inputing a transaction by payee and autocompletion. Fix: The transaction payee field now properly autocompletes even when typing accentuated characters. Fix: The transaction bulk edition window payee field now properly autocompletes. Fix: Several interface aesthetics fixes. Fix: A space character added by the system after selecting a transaction, double-clicking on the amount field and entering a new number. Fix: Combo boxes still showing previous menu choices even when all the text has been deleted. Fix: The transaction input combo field menus not displaying the ‘&’ characters properly when present. Fix: When a transaction completes, the comment field not always set to the last used comment for same accounts and payee. Fix: Project not set from favorites on given occasions. Fix: Budget type and category totals on list multiplied by 12 when comparing with a period smaller than a year. Fix: Budget type and category totals reseted to yearly when comparison has been deactivated. Fix: Scheduler adding 1 more transaction when selecting a given number of transactions. Fix: Scheduler displaying wrong ‘Last Transaction’ when scheduling by number. Fix: Scheduler displaying wrong ‘Next Transaction’ when scheduling by number and opening a saved entry. Fix: Formatting display problem on the Overview panel when mixing currencies and changing format for default currency. Fix: Several interface aesthetics fixes on MS Windows version.







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