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巴士为您推荐: Re-LoaderActivator Windows激活工具 Office激活工具

Re-Loader Activator 由国外网友 R@1n 开发的一款微软 Windows 系统和 Office 产品的激活工具。小编尝试使用搜索引擎查找相关内容,搜索到的资料并不多。Re-Loader Activator 包含多语言界面,想帮助翻译中文语言请在 – *: @RainReLoader 联系翻译即可。Re-Loader Activator 使用也非常简单,选择相应需要激活的微软产品,激活即可。支持 Windows XP 到最新的 Windows 10Office 2010 – Office 2016。当然小编给大家分享的还有其它激活工具:KMSpicoKMSAuto NetHEU KMS ActivatorMicrosoft Toolkit 等。大家可以根据自己的喜欢选择。
Windows和Office激活工具Re-Loader Activator v3.02 中文免费版下载

Re-Loader Activator 中文版

Windows XP

* Home Edition SP3

* Professional SP3

* Media Center Edition 2005 SP3

Windows Vista

* Enterprise

* Enterprise N

* Business

* Business N

* Starter

* Home Basic

* Home Basic N

* Home Premium

* Ultimate

Windows 7

* Enterprise

* Enterprise N

* Enterprise E

* Starter

* Home Basic

* Home Premium

* Professional

* Professional N

* Ultimate

* Embedded POS Ready

* Embedded

* Embedded Thin PC

Windows 8

* Enterprise

* Enterprise N

* Core

* Core N

* Core ARM

* Core Country SpecIFic

* Core Single Language

* Professional

* Professional WMC

* Professional N

Windows 8.1

* Enterprise

* Enterprise N

* Professional

* Professional N

* Professional WMC

* Core

* Core Connected

* Core Connected N

* Core Connected Single Language

* Core Connected Country Specific

* Professional Student

* Professional Student N

* Core ARM

* Core N

* Core Single Language

* Core Country Specific

* Embedded Industry A

* Embedded Industry E

* Embedded Industry

Windows 10

* Professional

* Professional N

* Education

* Education N

* Enterprise

* Enterprise N

* Enterprise 2015 LTSB

* Enterprise 2015 LTSB N

* Home

* Home N

* Home Single Language

* Home Country Specific

Windows和Office激活工具Re-Loader Activator v3.02 中文免费版下载

Re-Loader Activator 中文版

||//Win10 Pre-Release||

* Home Connected

* Home Connected N

* Home Connected Single Language

* Home Connected Country Specific

* Professional Student

* Professional Student N

* Professional 2015 LTSB

* Professional 2015 LTSB N

* Home ARM

* Professional WMC

Windows Server 2008

* ServerDatacenter

* ServerDatacenterV

* ServerEnterprise

* ServerEnterpriseV

* ServerEnterpriseIA64

* ServerStandard

* ServerStandardV

* ServerComputeCluster

* ServerWeb

* ServerSBSStandard

* ServerWinFoundation

* ServerHomeStandard

* ServerSolution

* ServerHomePremium

Windows Server 2008 R2

* ServerDatacenter

* ServerEnterprise

* ServerEnterpriseIA64

* ServerStandard

* ServerEmbeddedSolution

* ServerHPC

* ServerWeb

* ServerSBSPrime

* ServerSBSStandard

* ServerStorageStandard

Windows Server 2012

* ServerDatacenter

* ServerStandard

* ServerMultiPointPremium

* ServerMultiPointStandard

* ServerSolution

* ServerWinFoundation

* ServerStorageStandard

* ServerStorageWorkgroup

Windows Server 2012 R2 / 2016 TP

* ServerStandardCore

* ServerStandard

* ServerDatacenterCore

* ServerDatacenter

* SolutionCore

* Solution

* ServerCloudStorageCore

* ServerCloudStorage

* ServerStorageStandard

Windows Server 2016 Next-Gen

* ServerARM64

* ServerHI

-Office 2010

-Office 2016

-Office 2016


NET 4.0 or Windows 8/2012 or above


How To Use:

Run Re-Loader.exe.

Tick The Products To Be Activated

Click Active Button

Wait Till The Process Finishes

Restart Your PC




* Update graphics.

* Updated algorithm recognition Path installation Office.

* Enable KMS Genuine Ticket Validation default.

* Added support Win7 OEM Activation: UltimateE, StarterE, HomePremiumE.

* Adding Chinese language (grazie a zihan)


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